Thursday, August 19, 2010


Skype is a freeware video conferencing program that allows users to have voice and video calls over the internet. Instead of being restricted to purely text based discussions, on a wiki or forum, this tool allows participants to see each other's facial expressions and gestures. I would use Skype as a tool for conducting whole class interviews with professionals outside the school. For example, during a SOSE unit about local polical systems, students could formulate their own questions and have an interview, with a local politician, through Skype.


  1. Kyle I am a Skype user and love that it enables you to have closer contact to another person through facial expression and gestures. I agree that this tool would be very effective in SOSE and also English, where you could interview a politician or novelist. This tool would enhance the learning of the students by having a closer bond to the person they are speaking to.
    This tool could also be effective for students to find out more information about people who live in rural areas. Northern Queensland speaking to Central Qld students. Breaking down the barrier of distance and differences.

  2. I agree completely. Skype is a great example of how technology can provide opportunities for learning that would not be possible otherwise. It would also be suitable to use for whole class discussions with all year levels.
